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July 2, 2024

The Principles announce guidance for green enabling projects and guidelines for Sustainability-Linked Loan financing Bonds (SLLB)

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has released additional guidance and accompanying documents on the sustaina...

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April 5, 2024

Commentary Response to Bloomberg article 'The $280 Billion Climate Bond Market That Isn’t Working'

Presenting the shortcomings of sustainability-linked bond (SLB) markets, the recent Bloomberg article 'A $280 Billion Climate...'

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December 22, 2023

SSDH at COP28 – Key Takeaways

COP28 – the United Nations Climate Conference – was held from November 30th to December 12th, 2023, in Dubai...

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Image of flooded houses

October 25, 2023

A sober assessment of the sovereign sustainability-linked bond value proposition

The value proposition of Sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) for sovereigns, compared to conventional bonds...

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Forest with sustainable icons on top

October 25, 2023

Data and governance requirements of sovereign sustainability-linked bonds

Sustainability-linked Bonds (SLBs) are a powerful mechanism to operationalise sustainability commitments and render...

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A little plant growing from a crack in the road

October 25, 2023

The understated benefits of sovereign sustainability-linked bonds

What could influence a Debt Management Office (DMO) to choose a Sustainability-linked Bond (SLB) over a vanilla bond?

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A beach with birds

October 25, 2023

Accelerating sovereign sustainability-linked bond transactions: Building the ecosystem

The wall of bond maturities facing many sovereigns in 2024-2025 and the prospect of market lock-out has created an urgent need...

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September 13, 2023

Go with the flow, not just the stock: Sustainability-linked bonds and public debt dynamics

Sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) and debt-for-nature swaps (DnS) are dominating the discourse on how to tackle the climate...

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September 13, 2023

Sustainability-linked bonds and public debt dynamics: a detour into sovereign debt maths

This deep-dive into the weeds of sovereign debt maths builds on the argument for why debt stock shouldn’t be the main focus...

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September 13, 2023

How sustainability-linked bonds can improve sovereign credit ratings: an illustrative example

Issuing sustainability-linked Bonds (SLBs) can address several credit rating weaknesses by reducing the cost of borrowing...

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Event: Catalysing private-sector capital through credit enhancement for sustainability-linked sovereign financing

August 29, 2023

Africa Climate Summit SIDE EVENT: Catalysing private-sector capital through credit enhancement for sustainability-linked sovereign financing

To realize the required scale, sustainability-linked sovereign financing (such as debt conversions for nature/climate...

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rainforest photograph

June 22, 2023

Institutional Commitment to Support the Issuance of Sustainability-Linked Sovereign Debt

Providers of (re)insurance solutions express their intent to collaborate and reduce the borrowing costs for developing countries.

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More for less cover

March 31, 2023

Innovative Financing Instrument Offers Lasting Solution to Climate and Debt Crises

The vast potential of sustainability-linked sovereign debt in tackling both the emerging markets debt and climate...

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March 20, 2023

PUBLIC EVENT - Joining the dots: climate, nature and the sovereign debt crisis

This event, co-organised by NatureFinance and Bruegel, will discuss how the issuance of sustainability...

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January 5, 2023

Making sovereign debt markets work for sustainable development

Improving the financial health of sovereigns and reducing the need for ex-post debt structuring...

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November 29, 2022

SSDH BRIEFING: Decoding COP27 Climate Finance Talks on KPI-linked Sovereign Debt

A briefing of the 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

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ssdh logo

November 4, 2022

COP27 Event: Stepping out of the Comfort Zone: What’s next for Sustainability-Linked Financing?

COP27: 8th November, Stepping out of the Comfort Zone: What’s next for Sustainability-Linked Financing?

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Sustainability-linked Sovereign Debt Hub logo

September 8, 2022


New platform will provide support and network to incorporate nature and climate outcomes into sovereign debt

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